To provide reliable, trustworthy, professional, peace of mind and
ultimate tender loving care for your pet.
At K9 Petcare, we pride ourselves in providing loving, safe, high-quality, peace of mind and most of all reliable pet care for your precious pet(s).
Singapore Most Trusted Professional Dog Walking, Pet Sitting & Dog Daycare Service Provider

Dog Walking
We provide short potty visit, 30 mins, 45 mins or longer walk depending on your dog’s needs.

Pet Sitting
Love your pet and care for your home. Offer peace of mind daytime and overnight pet sitting while you are away.
If you ever find yourself:
- Working long or irregular hours, lack of time
- Your dog is alone at home for many hours a day
- You are too exhausted and have little energy to walk a dog daily
- You have physical limitations or can’t walk distances
- You have a very hyperactive dog. A walk will tire them out.
- Do not want to leave their dogs without interaction for many hours